What Are the Different Water Softening Chemicals?

Water Softening Chemicals, Industrial Chemicals
Water Softening Chemicals, Industrial Chemicals

The water in the earth’s crust that we get through borewells is hard, meaning it contains higher amounts of minerals, calcium, and other nutrients than the recommended consumption limits. This makes the water taste heavy and gives it a distinct flavor. To reduce the heaviness of the water, water-softening chemicals are used.

But what are water-softening chemicals, and how do they work to reduce the mineral or calcium content from water? If you’re curious, you’re in the right place. ACI Industrial is here to share every bit of information regarding the use and benefits of these chemicals.

Water Softening Chemicals – What are they? 

Before knowing about the various chemicals, it’s important to understand the process of water softening. It’s the process in which the chemicals bond to the heavy minerals in the water and reduce the hardness of the water. 

The hard water can cause scale buildup in the pipelines, reduce the effectiveness of detergent and may cause stomach sickness. 

#1 – Ion Exchange Softeners 

The ion-exchange software is considered an industrial chemical for softening water. These chemicals bond with the minerals in the water through ionic exchange. Once the chemicals bond with the minerals, they can be filtered with ease and the water can be softened effectively. They are mainly used in industrial water filters. 

#2 – Salt-based Softeners 

For residential water softening, salt-based softeners are used. Potassium Chloride is a commonly used salt-based softener. This softener works by attaching to the calcium and magnesium in the water and can be filtered easily. Potassium chloride is good for those who want to avoid the high sodium exposure and acts as an alternative for Sodium Chloride softener. 

#3 – Citric Acid 

If you are looking for a natural water softener, then citric acid is the best option. This can be bought from the stores in a concentrated format or you can find it in the citrusy fruits. Citric acid works by chelating the calcium and magnesium ions and reduces the hardness effectively. Sprinkling some citric acid or even squeezing a lemon in hard water immediately reduces the hardness and makes it easier to drink or use elsewhere. 

#4 – Sodium Hexametaphosphate 

Sodium Hexametaphosphate is an industrial chemical used in water treatment plants and other industrial locations. Like any other softener chemical, it works by binding to the calcium and magnesium ions to reduce the chances of scaling. This chemical is commonly used in industries where mineral scaling is a major issue. 

Final Words 

Water Softening Chemicals are used in our daily lives, and we often have no idea about them. Be it the big manufacturing plants, water treatment plants, farms, or even the residential water filters, these chemicals are used everywhere to reduce the hardness of water and make it easy to drink or use elsewhere.

By Admin

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